Distressed Shirt DIY

Looking for a cheap alternative to get that distressed detail on your clothes?! Look no more, I've found an easy solution to your dilemma. You'll need a couple things before we get started. Find an item you want to distress(Hoodie, shirt, jeans, etc) I chose this oversized long sleeve thermal. You'll also need pair of sharp scissors, box cutter or X- ACTO blade, tweezers, and gloves for safety. 

Now that you have these items let's get started. With the scissors or box cutter create small holes about the size of a penny wherever you please. Remember you can always make a hole bigger but if you make it too big from the start there's no going back! With that said make sure to spread your holes apart! I chose to make my holes go all around the shirt, and even added small details to the sleeves, chest, and bottom seam for more character. Now use the tweezers to pull the thread out so you're left with more of a raw edge versus an oblong circle.

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