Welcome back everyone I'd like to introduce you to the "Laboratory" This fine establishment is ran by a very good friend of mine Said Bsisso, otherwise known as "SB"
Said Bsisso, 24 years of age is a young, ambitious, and very talented fashion craftsman from the Bay Area! Put this man in front of a sewing machine and amazing things will happen. Keeping himself busy Said is currently working on his own line of clothing featuring up and coming trends and constantly innovating pushing the limits of high fashion. This young hustler keeps himself busy by consistently building his own personal clientele by taking in custom denim orders, and more recently bringing back the infamous Marithé et François Girbaud jeans.
If you guys want to learn more about Said please make sure to check out his Instagram
For all business inquires e-mail him at: Bsisso.designs@gmail.com

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